Different Applications of GIS [ Geographical Information System ]

To understand the advantages of and importance of GIS in a better way it is very important to know the applications and uses of GIS. GIS enables us to better understand and evaluate the data by creating graphic displays using information stored in our database.
Uses of GIS

With a GIS we can changes the display of over Geographic data by changing the symbols colors or values in the database tables.  the GIS can be applied in various district applications areas major areas of application of GIS can be grouped into following categories:

1. Facilities Management: Large scale precise map and network analysis are used mainly for and utility management. Automated mapping facility management AM/FM is frequently used in this area.

2.  Environment and natural resource management: Medium or small scale maps or overlay techniques in combination with aerial photographs and satellite images are used for management of natural resource and environmental impact analysis.

3. Street network: Large and medium scale map special analysis or used for vehicle routing locating house and Street etc.

4. Planning and Engineering: Large and medium scale maps, energy model are used mainly in civil engineering

5. Land information system: Large scale cadastral Maps or land parcel maps and spatial analysis are used for cadaster administration, taxation etc.

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