Different types of roadside Kerb or barrier kerb

Kerbs indicate the boundary between the carriageway and the shoulder or islands or footpaths.

Low or mountable kerbs: This type of roadside kerb is provided such that they encourage the traffic to remain in the through traffic lanes and also allow the driver to enter the shoulder area with little difficulty. The height of this kerb is about 10 cm above the pavement edge with a slope which allows the vehicle to climb easily. This is usually provided at medians and channelization schemes and also helps in longitudinal drainage.

Semi-barrier type kerbs: When the pedestrian traffic is high, these kerbs are provided. Their height is 15 cm above the pavement edge. This type of kerb prevents encroachment of parking vehicles, but at acute emergency, it is possible to drive over this kerb with some difficulty.

Barrier type kerbs: They are designed to discourage vehicles from leaving the pavement. They are provided when there is a considerable amount of pedestrian traffic. They are placed at a height of 20 cm above the pavement edge with a steep batter.

Submerged kerbs: They are used on rural roads. The kerbs are provided at pavement edges between the pavement edge and shoulders. They provide lateral confinement and stability to the pavement.

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