The term pH refers to the measure of hydrogen ion concentration in a solution and defined as the negative log of H+ ions concentration in water and wastewater. The values of pH 0 to a little less than 7 are termed as acidic and the values of pH a little above 7 to 14 are termed as basic. When the concentration of H+ and OH– ions are equal then it is termed as neutral pH.

b) Negative logarithm of Hydrogen ions concentration
c) Hydrogen ion concentration
d) OH ion concentration
b) more than 7
c) 7.0
d) 0.0
b) 6.5 to 9.5
c) 6 to 8.5
d) 6.5 to 10
a) HCl
b) KCl
c) NaCl
d) MgCL
b) False
b) Running long distances
c) Presence of fishes
d) Presence of aquatic plants
b) Running long distances
c) Running of fishes
d) Presence of aquatic plants
b) False
b) False
a) cell constant
b) solution
c) electrode cell
d) calomel electrode

1. pH is defined as__________.
a) Logarithm of Hydrogen ions concentrationb) Negative logarithm of Hydrogen ions concentration
c) Hydrogen ion concentration
d) OH ion concentration
2. pH of neutral water is__________.
a) less than 7b) more than 7
c) 7.0
d) 0.0
3. The acceptable value of pH of potable water is__________.
a) 7.0 to 8.5b) 6.5 to 9.5
c) 6 to 8.5
d) 6.5 to 10
4. The inner solution present in the glass electrode of pH meter is__________.
a) HCl b) KCl
c) NaCl
d) MgCL
5. The buffer solution can be stored for a minimum period at room temperature.
a) Trueb) False
6. Possible reasons for a relatively low pH value in a river water sample is due to ___.
a) Organic material decomposition to form acidic substancesb) Running long distances
c) Presence of fishes
d) Presence of aquatic plants
7. Possible reasons for a relatively high pH value in a river water sample is due to ___.
a) Running over clayb) Running long distances
c) Running of fishes
d) Presence of aquatic plants
8. A weak acid is one that ionize incompletely in aqueous solution.
a) Trueb) False
9. A strong base is one that ionizes incompletely in aqueous solution.
a) Trueb) False
10. The measurement of pH made by determining the e.m.f of the__________.
a) cell constant b) solution
c) electrode cell
d) calomel electrode
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